Easy control of Delta VFD drives

1 minute

This week we would like to show you two new function blocks (FB) that we have developed to make even easier to use Delta Industrial Automation products.

Usually we need to control several AC drives from a single Master PLC and Modbus communication is a cheap and helpful way to get it.

In order to reduce programming and commissioning time we have developed two FB:

  • COM2_VFDLINK: Configures the communication parameters (baudrate, number of bits, parity,…) that all the nodes on the network have to share and informs about the communication state of each node.
  • DELTA_VFD: Controls each one of the slaves VFD, we can Start/Stop, Forward/Reverse, frequency command and reset faults. On the other side, the FB informs us about the status of the drive, alarm code, output frequency and output current.

Below you’ll find the FB library ready to be imported in your ISPSoft and a little pdf explaining the I/O of each FB, enjoy it!

VFDLINK FB explanation



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