HMI Getting Started

1 minute

Here it is!
Again thinking in the begginers (and in this case not only them), let me share with you all our kit HMI Getting Started.
For the ones who uses PLC Getting started, and for the other too

HMI used to be more intuitive and user friendly than the PLC, but If you are trying to accomplish a complete program with reciepe, graph pictures etc.. you need some knowledge.
So our intention is give you some tutorials and examples and all the necessary tools to made your learning time as short as possible.

In this HMI getting started you will find:
1. eRemote / eServer Tutorials
2. HMI communication Examples with Delta devices
3. Manuals for DOPA and DOPB
4. Program examples for many features (graph, password, History, Event, Alarm, etc…)

Don’t hesitate to share with everybody.

HMI Getting Started

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